  • 塵三
  • 塵三先生受到了美國「抽象表現主義」的影響,所以拋棄一切形式、摒除造型的構圖法,或噴、灑、滴、甩、皺、擦、拓、印等技巧,以表達其內心反映。運用多媒材、改良技法的構圖技巧,發展為半抽象式的中國山水。從少年時代便接觸中國文化,包括水墨畫、篆刻、八大、石濤的寫意精神,近年即使選擇壓克力、油畫創作,畫面始終蘊含濃厚的中國傳統水墨意趣和美學精神。




    Mr. Chen San is influenced by the 「Abstract Expressionism of America and he abandons every form and disposes the composition method of form or techniques of spray, sprinkle, drip, fling, wrinkle, wipe, rub and print etc. to express the reflection of his mind. He makes use of multiple media material and composition technique of improved skill and develops semi-abstract Chinese landscape. From his youth days he has already encountered Chinese culture including the descriptive spirit of water ink painting, seal cutting, Bada Shanren and Shi Tao. Recently even he has chosen acrylic and oil painting, yet his painting still contains rich Chinese traditional water ink style and aesthetics spirit.」

    Artist Chen San is a person who is happy to have dialogue with nature. The target of dialogue may not be tree or flower and instead it is the voice from the universe. Only by listening carefully to the particular sound, he can achieve the combination of the painting and the frame of mind. Only with this kind of calm mind, he can focus on the development of the form and color of object. This kind of process is a metaphor of the process of meditation and therefore naturally there is the linking thought of this kind of aesthetic view and the spirit of oriental art.
